I came across this video while I was surfing around on Facebook and it really moved me. Mainly because at the time I was new resident to Lahore. Another reason is because there is a trash problem in Pakistan that is not helpful in improving tourism. There is trash everywhere you look. The honest truth, Americans are very accustom to having preconceived ideas about “underdeveloped” countries, but this took it to an entirely different level for me. This kind of spectacle is one of the reasons why disease is rampant in these countries.
Honesty, I am not sure why the residents of Pakistan don’t care about their own environment. Where I lived, in Lahore, the weather is fairly mild in the Winter and blazing hot in the Summer. At the time I took these photos on my iPhone, it was severely hot and all of the trash added a foul stench to the already sun-ish temperatures. I say that sarcastically of course, but stinking trash on top of a sweltering heat makes for an unbearable odor. I don’t know how Pakistanis can live with the smell.
While I had been out and about, I managed to take a few photos of the trash. This isn’t meant to demean Pakistanis at all, but to bring an awareness. In order to improve the image of Pakistan, and encourage tourism, it would be advisable to come up with a way to clean up the trash so every resident can take pride in their country.
Here are a few photos I took of the enormous amounts of trash.
All photos were taken by Melody Paxton in Lahore Pakistan, 2016. No unauthorized use. Available by request only. To request permission, use the Contact Form.